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GIVE career direction to your high school/ college OR GRADUATE sTUDENT 


As a parent, you play an important role in preparing your student for their future. You want them to be excited, confident and optimistic. Position your student for future success by giving them a critical advantage: career clarity.

Career coaching can give clarity and carreer direction that inspires Students. Shake you up proposes a carreer coaching program that helps students to better understand themselves and what they really want with a support of one of the best carreer assessment tool : strong Interest Inventory. It will help students uncover their career interests and identify which areas of study are appropriate or required for a particular field. Students become more engaged because they are focused on classes relevant to their goals.

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Before starting/deciding, we offer a free sample session with the student in order to ensure that coaching is the right solution for him/her and that there is a good fit between the coachee and the coach. 


Then, the coach discuss with you parents, about the logistic details and send the contract. 

The coaching career package includes 3 coaching sessions (60 min ea) with the Student and one ''debrief'' session with the student, the parents and the coach. 


Session 1 : Discovery session (week 2 or 3)

The objective is to know better the coachee and to explore questions as : Who am I ? Why do I want to work? What do I want to do? or Where do I want to do it?... 

At the end of this session, the coachee will receive a link to fill the Strong Interest Inventory survey on-line. 

Session 2 : Exploration session ( week 3/4)

During this session, the coach (accredited Strong) shares the results of the test Strong with the coachee and explores the potential high interest career. 

At the end of the session, the coachee identifies the positions that he/she would like to explore more and starts some researches about the potential path/study to these positions. 

Session 3 : Action plan session ( week 6/7)

The coach and the coachee meet again to talk about the action plan to follow ( jobs to explore, potential stages, enrolment to some specific universities...) During this session, the coach can as well help the coachee to identify strategies to overcome some barriers /fears or challenges. 

Session 4 : Debrief session ( week 7/8)

This is a tripartite session with the parent, student and coach. The student shares the results of the action plan (incl. Strong report) with the parents and both answer to the potential questions. 

Session 5 : Additional session (optional)

Additional sessions with the coach can be set if there is a desire to explore additional areas ( ex: specific challenges, hesitations, personality test as Myers Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI)...). 



The total cost of the package is 300 EUR (~500 AUD). 

It includes 3 coaching sessions + 1 debrief session  (270 EUR) + the Strong Interest Inventory report (30 EUR).



The Strong Interest Inventory® assessment provides robust insight into a person’s interests, so you can help them to consider potential careers, their educational path and the world of work.

Built on psychologist John Holland’s theory, it’s backed by more than 80 years of research into how people of similar interests are employed, and what motivates individuals in the workplace. It delivers effective and powerful results that contribute to your students’ success.




The Strong Interest Inventory assessment helps individuals identify their work personality by exploring their interests in six broad areas: realistic, artistic, investigative, social, enterprising, and conventional (often referred to using the acronym RIASEC). ).

It then breaks the RIASEC areas into 30 specific areas of interest that can be directly related to fields of study, careers, and leisure activities. In addition, it describes an individual’s personal style preferences in five areas: work style, learning environment, team orientation, leadership style, and risk taking. Depending on the report you choose, it ranks the individual’s top 5 or 10 most compatible occupations from a list of 260 specific jobs.

Strong Interest Inventory can only be used by accredited practicioners and are not available directly to the public. 

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Click here to see a sample Strong report

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